Neural Networks' Approach for Speech Tasks

Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering, NITK Surathkal organizing TEQIP-II Sponsored two day workshop on Neural Networks' Approach for Speech Tasks during 28 February to 1 March 2014. This workshop contains a brief introduction about the NN Toolbox of MATLAB. One session also includes the use of Simulink for general Simulation Scenarios. For More Details Download Workshop-Brochure. Advance online registration can be made at

Different variations of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have gained popularity as the pattern classifiers in the recent years. Many researchers have used Neural Networks as the classifiers  to perform different speech tasks. There are many evidence in the literature regarding essence and importance of Neural Networks (NN) for different speech tasks. Recent research studies and results  have shown that Non-linear higher order relations among the speech feature vectors can be learnt well by the Neural Networks and they perform better in classifying speech patterns. In this scenario, introduction of the ANN to the researchers for performing various speech tasks would be helpful. This workshop contains a brief introduction about the NN Toolbox of MATLAB. One session also includes the use of Simulink for general Simulation Scenarios.

Workshop Contents:

  • Neural Networks as the pattern classifiers
  • Neural Networks’ approach for various Speech Tasks (Both Matlab and C-Implementations) 

This workshop is open to UG & PG Students, Research Scholars, Faculty Members and Industry Professionals. Registration is based on First Come First Served basis.

Last Date to Register:     26th Febraury, 2014

Acceptance Notification:  27th Febraury, 2014

Dr. Rajarshi Mahapatra, working as a Technical Specialist at Rockwell Collins, received his Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur, has Over 12 years of experience in telecommunication research and development which includes both industry and academia.
Dr. Krishnamoorthy. P, working as a Scientist at Philips Research Asia-Bangalore, received his Ph.D. from IIT Guwahati.
Sudhamay Maity, working as Software Engineer for Yantra Software, Hyderabad. He received his MS. from IIT Kharagpur.

Duly filled Registration form must be uploaded during the online registration on or before 26th Feb, 2014 and the selected participants will be informed via e-mail by 27th Feb 2014. Advance online registration can be made at:

Registration Fee:

  • There is No Registration fee for this short term course.
  • No TA/DA will be provided.
  • However the registration is limited to 60 participants on first come first serve basis.

Limited Accommodation may be provided to outstation participants on shared basis.

  • Participants have to bear the costs of Boarding and Lodging.
  • Accommodation will be provided on First Come First Served basis.
  • The number of participants is restricted to 60.

For more information please mail at:


Contact us

K V Gangadharan, Coordinator
Centre for System Design, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473915